Head Image

Olympus WiFi Control

The little idea is now a working application.

This application is written in C# (WPF) and is open source.
I will also upload my other applications in the feature.
There is nothing to hide, but a HDD crash made a few problems.

version 1.0

Application tutorial:
  1. connect the camera to your WiFi computer
  2. start the application
  3. hit the button

I will develop some additional features mentioned int "the little idea" like

  • motion detection 
  • sound recognition
  • scripting
  • focus peaking
  • show aperture/ISO/shutter speed etc...
  • and more

I added a GitHub for you, so you can develop your own application based on the LiveView protocol.
You can also push commits if you want! If you want to know how the LiveView works look here.


more information later...

A little idea...

Another German student collected most of the information about the WiFi protocol here.

// 26.12.14 Screenshot with working livestream of the camera: pic-upload.de/...
Thank you for your feedback. Application is under development.

Why not develop an mobile or PC application, which can do some nice things like:
  • focus peaking
  • custom timers
  • time laps
  • interval shooting
  • motion detection?
  • voice recognition shooting
  • some sort of scripts
What I am talking about is, that we can access several features via WiFi:
  • exposure (& compensation)/ISO/shutter
  • auto focus
  • take videos/photos
  • white balance
  • live view
  • art filter
  • and more...

QR code encription

If want to know how a Olympus WiFi QR code is encrypted, it's an easy thing:
A simple Caesar cipher is being used. Funny how Olympus tries to encrypt something. The table:

           -->   A --> V L --> K W --> 9
        0 --> / B --> U M --> J X --> 8
        1 --> - C --> T N --> I Y --> 7
        2 --> + D --> S O --> H Z --> 6
        3 --> * E --> R P --> G $ --> 5
        4 --> % F --> Q Q --> F % --> 4
        5 --> $ G --> P R --> E * --> 3
        6 --> Z H --> O S --> D + --> 2
        7 --> Y I --> N T --> C - --> 1
        8 --> X J --> M U --> B , --> ,
        9 --> W K --> L V --> A / --> 0


For example:

If you read
your output would be

The OIS1 is not being encrypted and means "Olympus Image Share Version 1".
the WiFi name would be "E-M10-P-V5PF30000" and the password "12345678".